Saturday, May 22, 2010

A Saturday in Tune...


Have I mentioned how glad I am to be back in the world of blogging? I'm pretty happy about it.

So, I'm working today at the gallery in Seaside. Considering the summer season has not quite peaked yet, days are a little slow here at times. I sit at my desk with my smart water, my blackberry, and the infamous MAC computer that I have fallen madly in love with. I immediately turn on Pandora radio and my day begins. A day full of amazing music can do wonders for the soul. I have always been a lover of music, and as most of my friends would agree, my taste in music has always been slightly off of the beaten path. Where most people see sadness in a particular song, I see beauty. Where some people see "weirdness" in a certain song, I see "uniqueness." On any given bad day, I can find all the comfort I need in a long drive and a good playlist. It's an amazing thing. I feel sorry for people who listen to music, but never truely hear it. Music can surface thoughts and emotions that you never knew existed. It can take you back to moments passed. It can literally cleanse the impurities of your soul if you let it. Music keeps me in tune with myself. I live for days like today.....

"If music be the food of love; play on." -William Shakespeare

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